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Nonparametric statistical methods wolfe pdf

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    Time Series Analysis. Duxbury Press, Boston HOLLANDER M., WOLFE D.A. 1973. Nonparametric Statistical Methods. John Wiley L· Sons Inc., New York.
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    von A Eye · 1988 · Zitiert von: 12 — Quade, D. Nonparametric analysis of covariance by matching. Biometrics, 1982, 38, 579–611. Google Scholar. Randless, R. H., and Wolfe, D. A. Introduction to the
    Head of the ad-hoc working group ‘Statistical methods in preclinical Hothorn, L.: On the behaviour of Fligner/Wolfe trend test ‘control versus kThe book provides an extensivearray of examples that clearly illustrate how to use nonparametricapproaches for handling one- or two-sample location andeBook: Nonparametric Statistical Methods von Eric › › Mathematik › › › Mathematik › Analysis
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    Andersen,E.B. (1990): The statistical analysis of categorical data; Berlin: Hájek,J. (1969): A Course in nonparametric statistics; San Francisco: Hol-.
    05.07.2022 — The Runsstatistic C belongs to the the well known group of nonparametric methods which require no assumptions about the population

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